Laser show


In 1999, in my Physics 534 class, my teacer, Camille Gagnon (his website), made a demonstration with rotating mirrors and a laser which projected nice patterns on the wall. I had been very impressed, I had decided to do the same thing eventually.

By using mirrors fixed to dc motors, I have been able to reproduce the same effects.


mirror spin 1 spin 2
One the pictures, left to right, we see:
  1. How I glued the mirror to the first motor. (It's a mirror with the reflecting material on the surface instead of behind the glass.).
  2. Only the first mirror spinning.
  3. Both mirrors spinning.

motif motif motif motif
Above are the patterns obtained when both mirrors are spinning in the same direction.

motif motif motif motif motif
If the two mirrors are spinning in opposite directions, flower patterns are obtained, as above.


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Now you cannot say that I did not warn you :)